The robot “Nadia” is a boxing skill superior to professional players

Written By ندى ماهر عبدربه on 2023/12/21

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.

Weather of Arabia - An American company launched a boxing robot that shows its amazing abilities in fighting, as tests showed that it possesses skills that exceed the expectations of professional players. The emergence of this robot poses a challenge to the future of combat sports, but it also raised fears of its use in attacks targeting ordinary humans.

A video clip was published showing the boxing robot in a confrontation with a natural human, capable of delivering impressive punches. This innovation indicates that there are possibilities for developing a new generation of artificial biological systems.

The British newspaper "Daily Mail" likened this robot to the late world boxer Muhammad Ali Clay, noting that it looks like a clone of him, which raises curiosity about the development techniques and the striking similarity.

The boxing robot “Nadia”... a new challenge to the world of sports

Robots have come a long way in the world of sports, as their uses have varied from goalkeepers to individual sports players supported by artificial intelligence. Now, interest is turning to the world of boxing, where the boxing robot “Nadia” appears, which is characterized by exciting movement capabilities and a range of movement that exceeds human expectations.

Developed by IHMC Robotics and Boardwalk Robotics, Nadia is characterized by her ability to move flexibly and has 29 joints , giving her superior range of motion. The name of the robot is taken from gymnast Nadia Comaneci, and is a symbol of the goal of achieving human range of motion.

Currently, “Nadia” is controlled remotely by a researcher wearing a virtual reality headset and controllers. However, the developers intend to make it self-controlling in the future. The impressive appearance of this robot opens new horizons for employing technology in the field of sports, and raises questions about how it affects... the future.

Admiration and motivation for the boxing robot “Nadia”

Many viewers expressed their admiration and amazement at the skills of the boxing robot “Nadia”. One of them expressed his admiration, saying:

“Great work...the revolution has begun.” Another added: "An excellent first step towards complete independence and freedom (I mean for Nadia)."

Another commented humorously:

“Finally something more lasers or machine guns, now robots will punch you in the face.”

However, some skeptical viewers expressed concerns about the video footage, with one quipping:

“Wait until Mr. Robot gets his mind and beats you up for real.” The producing company says that Nadia's goal is broader than boxing, as it revolves around developing "highly mobile ground robots that can work in indoor environments that require stairs and debris, making them able to move with the same range of motion as humans."

Thanks to its flexible design, the researchers show that Nadia can be used in a wide range of fields, from firefighting to disaster response, and even bomb disposal. In conclusion, the research team confirms that Nadia can be a human partner, opening new horizons for technological employment. Without exposing anyone to harm.

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.

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