Without a telescope, we can see Venus with the naked eye these days

Written By ندى ماهر عبدربه on 2023/10/06

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.

Weather of Arabia - The sky is a historical arena full of charming and amazing celestial bodies, and among these bodies, the planet Venus comes to light up our sky with its special magic. For centuries, Venus has impressed scientists and astronauts alike. Now, these days, everyone can easily see this bright planet using the naked eye. So who is Venus? Why does it become popular during these times of the year?



Venus is considered the second planet in the solar system, and the planet very close to the sun. It is distinguished by its bright and beautiful radiance when we observe it in the sky. What distinguishes Venus most is that it can be seen clearly using the naked eye, without the need for a telescope or special equipment. It is also considered the closest planet to the sun. After the planet Mercury, which is one of the closest planets in the solar system to Earth, this planet bears the name “Earth’s Twin” due to its similarity to Earth in terms of size and density. Planet Zahra is also called the evil twin, due to its harsh weather environment and surface conditions hostile to life.


When did humans know the planet Venus?

Answer: Studies of Planet Zahra date back to ancient times, as the ancient Babylonians carefully monitored its movement in space since 1600 BC, and the oldest known astronomical documents date back to Babylonian diaries that tracked the appearance of Planet Zahra over a period of 21 years.

Planet Zahra is distinguished by a unique feature, which is that it rotates very slowly on its own axis, as one day on the surface of Planet Zahra takes a period equivalent to 243 Earth days , while the planet revolves around the sun at a faster speed than Earth, which means that a year on Planet Zahra takes about 225 Earth days . Earth, and this makes his day longer than his year.


Is there life on Venus?

Answer: As for the conditions of Planet Zahra, it is considered an unsuitable place for life as we know it on Earth. However, there are some scientists who believe that there may be the possibility of microbes existing in the clouds where conditions are colder and the pressure is similar to the surface of the Earth. Phosphine was found in the clouds, a possible indicator of the presence of microbial life.


Why does Venus become famous at these times?

Answer: This is due to the so-called phenomenon (Venusian Elongation), which is the period when Venus appears in the sky after sunset in the west, or before sunrise in the east, and this happens when Venus is at a certain angle from the sun, allowing us to see it. clearly.

On October 23, 2023 , the planet Venus will move to the maximum point in its orbit around the sun, and this point is known as the greatest elongation during the morning twilight hours, and the planet Venus (the brightest planet in the solar system) will reach its maximum westerly elongation from the sun, reaching approximately 46 degrees at The western horizon, and this moment is considered the best for viewing and photographing the planet Venus, as it will appear at its highest point above the eastern horizon just before sunrise, and you will have this rare opportunity to see Venus clearly before it disappears in the bright morning sky.

Meteorologist Dr. Khaled Al-Zaaq confirmed that the planet Venus can be seen with the naked eye during the current days. Al-Zaaq explained that the sky is decorated with galaxies, stars, and planets, and that Venus is one of the brightest, most beautiful, and most wonderful celestial bodies in general, and the planet Venus can be seen. With the naked eye just before sunrise in the east, he pointed out that the ancient Arabs called it “the shining planet,” while the common people called it “the morning star.”

Al-Zaaq added that the sun, moon, Venus, and Jupiter can be seen with the naked eye, as the size of the sun is two million times larger than the Earth, the moon is four times smaller than the Earth, and Venus is close to the size of the Earth, while Jupiter is considered the largest planet in the solar system at a rate of 1,200 times.



Viewing Venus with the naked eye these days is a unique experience. As it is an opportunity to discover the beauty of the universe and enjoy the wonder of space without the need for specialized equipment, so look for an opportunity to observe this bright planet in your night sky and enjoy one of the most amazing astronomical phenomena.


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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.

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