Weather Update - Maghreb | Heavy thunderstorms affect parts of western Algeria and border areas with Morocco
2024.09.07Levant | Thunderstorms are present in parts of Syria and Lebanon in the coming days (details)
Alert-Maghreb | Extreme forecast maps warn of very strong weather disturbances in these areas in Morocco and Algeria
A rainstorm is forming in the western Mediterranean. Will it affect the Maghreb countries?
Weather system analysis: Extreme cold air coming from northern Europe as Mediterranean sea surface continues to warm
2024.09.07Unusual movement of the atmosphere... tropical moisture reaches the Mediterranean Sea with cold winds and causes a severe rainstorm
Watch | A meteor penetrates the Earth's atmosphere and was seen from several countries in the Levant
Africa | The tropical condition continues over Mali at the end of the week, and it is expected to extend to Mauritania
Including the Maldives... Countries that may disappear by 2100 due to rising sea levels
2024.08.28Climate Change | The driest areas on Earth may receive large amounts of rain in the coming days. Are we facing a new climate era?
Climate Change | A new international report confirms that the past year 2023 was the hottest ever in climate records
After swallowing a luxury yacht... sailing in the Mediterranean Sea becomes more dangerous