Jordan | Big hike on heat Wednesday and alert of big fluctuations on weekend weather

2021-03-08 2021-03-08T10:25:27Z
وائل حكيم
وائل حكيم
متنبئ جوي-قسم دراسة الحالات الجوية الشديدة

Weather of Arabia - A five-point depression is moving from the Libyan and Egyptian desert towards the Kingdom on Wednesday, with its effect, temperatures rise significantly and significantly, in addition to the spread of quantities of dust in the country's airspace.


A rise in temperature on Tuesday precedes the intensification of the climate of Khamseen Wednesday


As the Khamasini depression approaches the Kingdom, temperatures begin to rise gradually on Tuesday, where they are slightly higher than their levels for such a time of the year, and temperatures rise on Tuesday / Wednesday night, so that the atmosphere is less cold than the previous nights.


However, on Wednesday, the warm air mass associated with this depression crossed, and temperatures recorded a tangible increase in warm weather prevailing in all regions, relatively hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and Aqaba.


Drop on the heat Thursday and cool air mass at the end of the week


The warm atmosphere will not last for long, as according to the latest weather map readings, the Kingdom is on a date with a change in the atmosphere as of Thursday, and temperatures will return quickly with the start of the crossing of a cold air mass coming from the east of the European continent, and temperatures will drop on Thursday as they remain Higher than their rates for such a lot of the year


However, on Friday, the temperatures will continue to drop, and a cold atmosphere prevails in all regions, with some clouds dispersing that may cause sporadic showers of rain in some areas.


Strong winds and dust waves on Thursday and Friday


The Khamasini depression is moving on Thursday towards Iraq, followed by a cold air mass behind it, where the westerly winds that excite dust waves in the desert regions are active on Thursday and Friday, and the horizontal visibility decreases and may be absent, especially in the east of the Kingdom.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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