Jordan | Jordanian Astronomical Society: Starlink satellites appeared in the Jordanian sky on Saturday evening

2024-05-05 2024-05-05T14:15:01Z
ندى ماهر عبدربه
ندى ماهر عبدربه
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Arabia Weather - The Starlink 158 system (G6-55) appeared in the sky of Jordan at 8:40 pm on Saturday. Or the so-called satellite Internet, which is affiliated with SpaceX, as the Jordanian Astronomical Society observed it above the Alok sky, north of Amman, in the form of bright points.

According to ground observations, the number of these bright points of light exceeded 20 satellites, and lasted for a few minutes. This phenomenon consists of a train of satellites, which were launched on a Falcon 9 rocket from the United States several days ago, and the complete system consists of 24 satellites. These satellites entered the airspace from west to east, at an elevation angle of 10 degrees, and rose in the sky until they reached an angle of 70 degrees.

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The President of the Jordanian Astronomical Society, Ammar Al-Sakkji , indicated that this system will reappear on Sunday evening at 8:43 Jordan time, as it will enter the airspace from the northwest at an elevation angle of 10 degrees, heading towards the southwest at an elevation angle of 30 degrees, and it is expected that it will... It continues in its orbit around the Earth.

SpaceX has launched about 4,900 satellites within the Starlink project so far, of which 4,500 satellites are operational. It has been approved to deploy 12,000 additional satellites, and a request has been submitted to launch 30,000 additional satellites.

Astronomical bodies have objected to this large number of satellites, warning of increased space pollution with waste and the complexity of sky observations, in addition to interference with astronomy and cosmology research, according to Al-Sakkji.

See also:

The Jordanian sky is on a date with the “Eta Aquarius” meteors next Sunday, May 5

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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