Jordan | A sharp and significant drop in temperatures in the Kingdom on Tuesday

2023-04-10 2023-04-10T17:27:12Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
مُحرر أخبار جوية

Weather of Arabia - The latest weather readings in the Arab Weather Center indicate expectations that a cold and moist air mass will approach the atmosphere of the Kingdom on Tuesday, so that a sharp and significant drop in temperatures will occur and clouds will continue to appear at different altitudes, with the possibility of local showers of rain in separate areas of The kingdom, especially in the eastern regions, and thundershowers sometimes.


In the details, there is a significant and clear drop in temperatures on Tuesday, by more than 12 degrees Celsius from Monday, and thus they become lower than their rates for this time of the year by about 4-6 degrees Celsius, and the weather is relatively cold in most areas, and pleasant in low areas such as the Jordan Valley. The Dead Sea and the city of Aqaba.


The winds will be westerly to northwesterly, moderate in speed, gradually activating, especially in the afternoon, and causing dust in the desert areas.


A noticeable decrease in night temperatures and cold and wet weather in all regions


During the night hours of Tuesday/Wednesday, there will be a clear decrease in the night temperatures compared to the previous nights, and the weather will be cold and humid in most regions of the Kingdom, with minimum temperatures approaching 10 degrees Celsius in the capital, Amman and other Jordanian cities, and the wind will be northwesterly moderate.


God knows.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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