Jordan Weather and maximum and minimum temperatures expected on Monday 25/11/2019

2019-11-24 2019-11-24T14:40:04Z
وداد السعودي
وداد السعودي
محرر أخبار جوية- قسم التواصل الاجتماعي

Weather in Jordan on Monday

  • Temperatures are about a little higher.
  • A cool atmosphere prevails with the morning hours, becoming a mild to moderate autumn in all regions of the day.
  • High amounts of clouds appear over different parts of the country.
  • Winds will be southeasterly to easterly moderate, increasing the sensation of cold with early morning hours.


Monday weather in Aqaba

  • Wind: Southwesterly light to moderate speed.
  • State of the sea and wave height: quiet (10-20 cm).
  • Sea surface temperature: 25 ° C.



Weather in Jordan on Monday evening and night

  • The weather is relatively cold to cold in all regions.
  • Winds are southeasterly moderate, sometimes active over the mountains.


Detailed written weather forecast


It is expected that the weather and temperatures in the Kingdom's governorates on Monday 27-11-2019 will be as follows:


Weather in Irbid:

Maximum expected temperature in Irbid: 21 °

The minimum expected temperature in Irbid is: 11 °


Weather in Ajlun:

Maximum expected temperature in Ajloun: 19 °

The minimum expected temperature in Ajloun is: 10 °


Weather in Jerash:

Maximum expected temperature in Jerash: 19 °

The minimum expected temperature in Jerash is: 6 °


Weather in Mafraq:

Maximum expected temperature in Mafraq: 19 °

The minimum expected temperature in the divider is: 8 °


Weather in Balqa:

Maximum temperature expected in Balqa: 19 °

Minimum expected temperature in Balqa: 9 °


Weather in Amman:

Maximum expected temperature in Amman: 19 °

The minimum expected temperature in Amman is: 10 °


Weather in Zarqa:

Maximum expected temperature in Zarqa: 19 °

The minimum expected temperature in Zarqa is: 7 °


Weather in Madaba:

Maximum temperature expected in Madaba: 21 °

The minimum expected temperature in Madaba is: 9 °


Weather in Karak Governorate:

Maximum expected temperature in Karak: 19

The minimum expected temperature in Karak is: 8 °


Weather in Tafilah:

Maximum expected temperature in Tafila: 18 °

Minimum expected temperature in Tafila: 14 °


Weather in Ma'an Governorate:

Maximum expected temperature in Ma'an: 22 °

Minimum expected temperature in Ma'an: 11 °


Weather in Aqaba:

Maximum expected temperature in Aqaba: 27 °

Expected minimum temperature in Aqaba: 20


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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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