Emirates | Covers large areas ... High chances of fog formation on Wednesday/Thursday night until Thursday morning

2022-02-23 2022-02-23T11:23:16Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
مُحرر أخبار جوية

Arab Weather - The results of the analyzes of the numerical models processed by the Arab Regional Weather Center indicate high chances of fog formation with the night hours of Wednesday / Thursday. Details

Widespread fog, not likely to be dense in many areas

It is expected, God willing, that air currents saturated with moisture will rush towards the Emirates on Wednesday/Thursday night, as humidity levels will rise to exceed 95% in many areas, coinciding with the decrease in the surface temperature of the earth, the clarity of the atmosphere and calmness at the speed of the wind, where the weather conditions are ripe for the formation of fog. in many areas.

Chances of fog formation begin with the passage of night hours from the interior regions, and expand as the night hours are late, reaching their peak with the dawn and morning hours, to include regions of the various interior regions in addition to parts of the coastal region and major cities.

It is not excluded that the fog will sometimes be thick, causing a decrease in the visibility to its lowest level, or sometimes lacking in some areas.

The fog gradually fades with the late morning hours

The fog begins to gradually fade with the late morning hours as a result of the rise in the surface temperature of the earth, as visibility gradually returns to clarity in most areas, and the Arab Weather website warns of the danger of low horizontal visibility, and it is advised to reduce speed when driving, and to use vehicle lights designated for driving in foggy weather.

Read also: Weather details from the UAE National Center

For more news, download the Arabia Weather app from here

God knows.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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