Riyadh | Warning of thunderstorms and daily chances of rain and dust from Thursday evening until the middle of next week

2022-04-21 2022-04-21T14:03:45Z
سنان خلف
سنان خلف
محرر أخبار جوية- قسم التواصل الاجتماعي

Arab Weather - Sinan Khalaf - Our latest weather forecast in Arab Weather indicates that the weather in the city of Riyadh during the current week will be generally turbulent during the weekend and early next week, and the following are the details:


Weather fluctuations await Riyadh

Daily activity of thunderclouds in the sky of the capital, and renewed opportunities for rain and dust


In the details, the latest outputs of the computer simulation systems for rain forecasts indicate that the Riyadh region, including the capital, will be exposed on a daily basis to the activity of thunderstorms, starting from Thursday evening until the middle of next week at the very least. rains.


Possible downward winds and dust waves in Riyadh


These clouds in the particular period of the year are distinguished from others by the departure of the bases of cumulus clouds from the surface of the earth, as a result of the drying out of the lower layers of the atmosphere, and this means the evaporation of part of the rain before it reaches the surface of the earth, and this leads to a cooling / decrease in temperatures inside the cloud The density of the air rises, and it becomes heavier in weight compared to the air around it, and then it rushes strongly and hits the surface of the earth directly. These active air currents are known as downward winds, and they coincide with the blowing of thunderstorms, and they are strong in speed that may raise dust and dust heavily, especially in desert areas and it is feared As a result, a significant decrease in the horizontal visibility occurred as a result of these downward winds



Arab Weather will issue more details of the weather situation and its impact on the capital, Riyadh, in the coming days, and publish them through various platforms.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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