Weekly Bulletin - A very cold air mass rushing towards the kingdom by midweek

2020-01-19 2020-01-19T09:04:26Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
مُحرر أخبار جوية

Weekly Weather Forecast - Extremely cold polar air mass accompanying a second-degree depression ...

The kingdom remains during the day and tomorrow, where rain of varying intensity continues in some northern and central regions, and the weather is cold during the day and very cold at night.

Tuesday and Wednesday - The Kingdom is affected gradually and again by a second-tier air depression (normal), but the next depression is distinguished by it being associated with a very cold and polar air mass that rushes through Turkish territory and is stationed over the Syrian, Jordanian and Saudi desert, and thus has an impact on the kingdom and coincides with a rush Wet streams provide precipitation, which is expected to be snowy, above mountainous heights (altitude will be determined later). Rain showers in some areas coincide with very cold weather during the day and night.

And watching the possibility of the Kingdom being affected by a new air depression this weekend due to the rush of more cold and perhaps very cold air masses towards the region, God willing.

God knows.

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