Weather conditions and expected temperatures in Jordan on Sunday 4-4-2021

2021-04-03 2021-04-03T10:43:57Z
غالب أبوبكر
غالب أبوبكر
كاتب مُحتوى ومسؤول تواصل اجتماعي

Arab weather - another rise in temperatures, to become around their general rates for such a time of the year, and the weather is moderate spring, and warm in the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, Aqaba and desert regions.

The winds will be southeasterly moderate, and will change in the afternoon to northwesterly moderate.

Weather forecast in the Kingdom on Sunday night:

The weather is generally cold.

The winds will be northeasterly moderate.

Weather conditions and expected temperatures in the Kingdom on Sunday:

Weather in Irbid Governorate :

Mostly net

The expected maximum temperature in Irbid: 18 °

The expected minimum temperature in Irbid: 11 °

Weather in Ajloun Governorate :

Mostly net

The expected maximum temperature in Ajloun: 17 °

The expected minimum temperature in Ajloun: 11 °

Weather in Jerash Governorate :

Mostly net

The expected maximum temperature in Jerash: 20 °

The expected minimum temperature in Jerash: 11 °

Weather in Mafraq Governorate :

Mostly net

The expected maximum temperature in Mafraq: 20 °

The expected minimum temperature in Mafraq: 11 °

Weather in Al Balqa Governorate :


The expected maximum temperature in Balqa is: 17 °

The expected minimum temperature in Balqa is 11 °

Weather in the capital, Amman :


The expected maximum temperature in Amman: 17 °

The expected minimum temperature in Amman: 11 °

Weather in Zarqa Governorate :


The expected maximum temperature in Zarqa: 21 °

The expected minimum temperature in Zarqa: 12 °

Weather in Madaba governorate :


The expected maximum temperature in Madaba: 18 °

The expected minimum temperature in Madaba: 12 °

Weather in Karak Governorate :


The expected maximum temperature in Karak: 18 °

The expected minimum temperature in Karak: 11 °

Weather in Tafila governorate :


The expected maximum temperature in Tafila: 18 °

The expected minimum temperature in Tafila: 11 °

Weather in Ma'an Governorate :


The expected maximum temperature in Maan: 18 °

The expected minimum temperature in Ma'an: 11 °

Weather in Aqaba Governorate :


The expected maximum temperature in Aqaba: 24 °

The expected minimum temperature in Aqaba: 19 °

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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