The normal human body temperature is not only 37 is that!

2021-07-10 2021-07-10T08:47:07Z
رنا السيلاوي
رنا السيلاوي
محرر أخبار - قسم التواصل الاجتماعي

Weather of Arabia - God Almighty deposited in the human body an internal thermostat that works to maintain the body temperature within the ideal range, where the average human body temperature ranges from (36.5) - (37.5) degrees Celsius, but your body temperature does It remains constant throughout the day, but fluctuates according to your circadian rhythm and other circumstances. How does the temperature of the human body change? How does the body adapt?

The body has daily plans to adjust your temperature according to your circadian rhythm, warming you at the beginning of the day and cooling you to sleep. However, diet, exercise, hormones, and many other things affect your temperature. As a result, your body makes constant adjustments to maintain its balance, namely:


  • When body temperature rises: Your body tries to radiate or get rid of excess heat, by expanding blood vessels to carry excess heat to the surface of the skin, and then the process of sweating and sweat evaporating from the skin dissipates some of the body heat in the air, cooling your body.


  • When your body temperature drops: Your body tries to insulate or trap heat by narrowing the blood vessels in the skin so that the blood retains more heat in it, as well as raising your temperature through the process of "shivering."



Causes of change in body temperature

Your temperature varies during the day as you move, eat, drink and mix with your changing environment, and an individual's basal body temperature typically changes by about 1°C between the highest and lowest point each day. Anything outside this range indicates that something is challenging your body and preventing it from adapting. Here are the top reasons why:


  • Disruption of circadian rhythms: The circadian rhythm helps your body switch between a state of wakefulness and a state of sleep. As part of this rhythm, your core body temperature drops near your ideal bedtime, and rises again before you wake up. Keep in mind that melatonin release helps stimulate the body's cooling process and can easily be disrupted by blue light, or the circadian clock can be disturbed by a shift in your bedtime, at which point your temperature rhythms become out of sync as well.


  • Possible illnesses : If you get sick, even before you develop a fever, your body temperature may rise. If you notice a rise in temperature outside the normal range, it may mean that your body is fighting to keep you healthy. Some illnesses may cause fever. Returning your temperature to normal is an indication of recovery.


  • Internal heat: Running your organs can generate a lot of internal heat. If you have a large meal or a few drinks near the bed, you may find that your temperature stays high all night. This is evidence that your digestive system is working overtime.


  • Changing hormones: A change in the body temperature range of women occurs as their hormone cycle changes. This usually results in lower body temperatures during the first half of the hormonal cycle (follicular phase), followed by a rise in the second half (luteal phase). Use of hormonal contraceptives may reduce monthly temperature variation and may increase average temperature.



Some tricks to control your body temperature

Did you know that you have more power to influence your body temperature than you think? There are even Tibetan monks who meditate and raise their skin temperature enough to dry a wet towel on their back. Here are some tricks to control your body temperature:

  • A hot shower can encourage your body to cool itself down quickly, signaling to your internal thermostat that "it's time for bed."
  • A cold shower can stimulate your system and cause your body to warm itself up to stay awake.
  • A cold room can reduce the workload of the body's cooling system by making it easier to maintain an ideal temperature while sleeping. Whatever your preference, physiology and science suggest that the ideal room temperature at night is around (18°C).


This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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