Snake bite.. How do you survive it?

2022-10-30 2022-10-30T09:21:10Z
رنا السيلاوي
رنا السيلاوي
محرر أخبار - قسم التواصل الاجتماعي

Weather of Arabia - All bites of poisonous snakes are dangerous and can be fatal if you do not act properly. The poison can stop vital organs such as the heart, lungs or nervous system from working, and may lead to death after a short period.


Most snakebites occur when someone accidentally approaches a snake while walking in mountainous or rural areas in particular, and here we provide you with quick ways to deal with a snakebite.


How does snake venom poisoning happen?

Snake venom is a complex protein substance with enzymatic activity. Its toxicity is caused by polypeptides that bind to various receptors in body tissues, such as nervous, blood or muscle tissue. Snake venom also contains substances that immobilize the prey and kill it to begin its digestion.


What to do if a snake bites you?

If a snake bites you, keep calm and don't panic, remember that the death rate is 0.1% of the number of people bitten by snakes, and that panic speeds up the heartbeat and the poison spreads through your body faster.


Call the emergency number to seek medical attention as soon as possible, as you will be given an antitoxin, which is an effective and successful treatment in most cases. The sooner the antivenom can be taken, the more damage to the body's organs can be avoided.


While going to the emergency center or hospital, we do not advise you to drive yourself, because people who are bitten by snakes can become dizzy or faint.


If possible, take a picture of the snake from a safe distance. This can help identify them, the type of poison, and the appropriate countermeasures.


What should you avoid if a snake bites you?

  • Do not wait for symptoms to appear. If you are bitten, seek medical help immediately.
  • Do not use a tourniquet to block the flow of blood.
  • Do not cut the wound with a knife or sharp object in any way, as the sting may be superficial and the incision of the wound will lead to poison in the blood.
  • Do not try to suck in the poison or blood.
  • Do not apply ice to the wound or immerse it in water.
  • Do not take pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen.



What time of the year do snakes disappear?

Most snakes disappear during the winter, due to the low temperatures, and since snakes are cold-blooded that cannot tolerate cold, and may cause them to die, but it is possible to see snakes in the early hours of the day and before sunset and near their burrows in temperate areas during the winter.


With the increased rainfall and the intensification of the cold, snakes disappear more, because the frequent rains and torrential flows cause the destruction of burrows and snakes' dwellings, so they come out of their burrows to escape to escape on their own, so most snakes die if they do not find the appropriate shelter.


You may also be interested in: Where do snakes hide during the winter?

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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