Egypt: Heavy rain is expected at dawn and Thursday morning in most of the north of the country

2021-12-22 2021-12-22T07:22:56Z
محمد عوينة
محمد عوينة
مُتنبئ جوي

Arab weather - Dense water mist is expected to form in large areas of northern Egypt on Wednesday/Thursday night and dawn and Thursday morning, as surface moisture levels rise and winds stabilize where conditions are appropriate for the formation of dense water mist, low and possibly lack of horizontal visibility in some areas.

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Decreased and possibly lack of horizontal vision

Areas covered by the forecast of water mist

In the details, northeast winds rush towards the Republic, passing on the Mediterranean Sea, and carrying very large amounts of moisture with calm in wind speeds and a decrease in minimum temperatures. and the cities of the Canal and Lower Egypt, all the way to Greater Cairo and parts of northern Upper Egypt, which leads to a significant decrease in the extent of horizontal visibility and may be absent on the main roads connecting the governorates.

Thus, the Arab Weather alerts motorists to the necessity of being careful and lighting the front and rear headlights while driving, and opening the car windows from time to time so that water vapor does not condense on the car’s interior glass, in addition to taking the safe distance between cars.

The phenomenon of morning fog is considered one of the most prominent weather manifestations in the northern part of Egypt. Most of the regions of northern Egypt are characterized by their flat terrain and their proximity to a large water surface, the Mediterranean Sea, and therefore this means that it is easy to cross the moist air masses from the sea towards the land without the presence of Any terrain obstacles such as mountains, and with the warming of the waters of the Mediterranean, the water evaporates from its warm surface to turn into moisture in the layers of the atmosphere, and the wet masses usually move due to the weather systems towards the Egyptian land.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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