Are you warmer or cooler in the morning?

2023-11-23 2023-11-23T11:12:42Z
ندى ماهر عبدربه
ندى ماهر عبدربه
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Arabia Weather - In our daily life, our mood and performance are affected by several factors, and among these factors is the effect of our physical temperature. Have you ever felt colder or warmer in the morning? These experiences may be the result of fluctuations in body temperature, which follows a natural biological cycle that continues throughout the day.

In this article, we will explore the science of our physical temperature, and how it changes during the early hours of the morning, and we will take a look at the most important tips for staying warm on cold mornings, and explore the details to understand whether you are warmer or cooler in the mornings, and how can you improve your daily comfort?

Why do we wake up feeling cold?

Early in the morning, I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock that seems to have come on very early, and things take a turn for the worse; Our bodies are almost frozen and the bed is a warm and comfortable haven, while the bedroom clearly lacks this warmth. But, why do we always find ourselves waking up feeling clearly cold?

There are a few different bodily processes in humans that follow a roughly stable 24-hour cycle, and among these are the levels of cortisol and melatonin in our blood, as well as our blood pressure and heart rate.

This daily cycle also includes our core body temperature, as we reach our minimum temperature about halfway through our sleep cycle and when we wake up, our bodies are a little warm, but often we don't reach our typical body temperature.

Hence, feeling cold after waking up can be due to natural changes in body temperature, and these fluctuations can make us feel cold, as the normal body temperature ranges between 36.4 to 37.2 degrees Celsius , and the natural daily fluctuations allow the body to rise or fall by up to 1 degree. One degree Celsius, and although this difference may seem small, doctors consider that fever begins at 38 degrees Celsius .

Studies have shown that there are differences in the time when individuals reach their minimum temperature during the night, which can have an impact on feeling alert when waking up.

Tips for keeping warm on cold mornings

In the winter, when the winds are cold and temperatures reach low levels, waking up, waiting for the bus, and going to work becomes a major daily challenge. To face it, you must follow some tips that will help you stay warm on cold mornings, including:

  • Set a goal to advance

The process of getting out of bed will become easier if the person decides to set a special goal that he feels is important in the morning, so that there is something he is looking forward to, apart from just going to work. This step can take the form of a special morning ritual, such as exercising, or drinking a cup of coffee. , or reading a specific book, and if the individual gets used to this morning ritual, he will have a strong motivation to get out of bed regardless of the weather conditions.

  • Get up immediately when you hear the alarm bell ring

If you continue to stay in bed after your alarm wakes you, it will become difficult to get out of bed, and the longer you stay in bed the more difficult it will be to get up.

So, you should get up immediately when the alarm sounds, make it a habit, and although it may be difficult at first, you should at least sit up in bed when the alarm sounds.

Experts stress the importance of this procedure, as they say that despite the attractiveness of the idea, continuing to lie in bed and thinking about spending a few extra minutes may complicate matters further, and in the end, you may find yourself falling asleep again, which leads to a delay in starting the new day or even Drowning in negative thoughts before the start of the day.

  • Put the alarm away

Avoid placing an alarm clock next to the bed to avoid the possibility of it being easily set off, as after turning it off you will have to get up to wake yourself up.

  • Eat a warm breakfast

Start your day with a warm breakfast, as drinks and hot meals help replenish your energy and raise your body temperature.

  • Take a shower after waking up

Adopt the habit of showering immediately after waking up, as a morning shower helps increase blood flow and provides warmth to the body, giving you positive energy to start your day.

  • Bring light into your room

The challenge increases when the room is dark, so open the curtains and let the light into the room. Natural lighting helps you feel like it's time to get up and start your day.

  • Get yourself a restful sleep

If you have a restful night and get enough rest, it will be easier to get out of bed. So, maintain a healthy and comfortable sleep pattern, and avoid stress and anxiety as much as possible to make waking up in the morning easier.

These steps may make getting out of bed easier and enhance your activity and comfort during the day.

Also know:

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Drinking cold water before going out in the winter..Does it protect you from colds?




This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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