Does space have a smell?

2023-10-17 2023-10-17T12:28:54Z
ندى ماهر عبدربه
ندى ماهر عبدربه
صانع مُحتوى

ArabiaWeather - When we imagine space, we are usually associated with amazing spacecraft and scientific films that paint distant and wonderful worlds for us. Since the greatest part of these imaginative space journeys revolves around the sights and sounds, the idea arises: Does space smell? Can we recognize the scent of the infinite universe?

Does space have a smell?

In the world of distant space, where vast voids extend, and infinite dark worlds pervade, lies the secret of mysterious smells. Unfortunately, we cannot inhale those smells directly, because our noses do not work in space, and trying to smell those smells can be deadly, but have you ever wondered? Whether space has a smell? If so, what is this smell? Is it unpleasant or pleasant?

The answer: According to well-known scientific websites such as “Popular Science” and “Science Focus,” experts believe that space carries with it a variety of smells, including the smell of hot metal, diesel fumes, and even the smell of barbecue . The question here is:

What is the source of all these space odors?

Answer: Most of these odors are believed to originate from dying stars, disintegrating in space. These odors are chemical compounds known as “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.” These compounds appear to spread throughout the universe, floating in infinite space. What is even more exciting is that they may They appear in asteroids, meteorites and space dust, adding different elements to their journey through space.

How did we discover the presence of smell in space?

Answer: When astronauts do spacewalks and activities outside their spacecraft, they are exposed to these odors. After spacewalks, these vehicles stick to their spacesuits, and after they return to the International Space Station, some of them feel a metallic smell or even the smell of burnt steaks.

In addition, the astronauts reported that they smelled a metallic odor resembling welding fumes on the surface of their spacesuits. They reported that they sometimes smelled fried meat after spacewalks, and they never expected that.

Also, the Rosetta spacecraft observed components including an odor resembling rotten eggs, bitter almonds and cat urine , which were detected on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

We can say that space has a special smell, but it is not perceptible to humans. It is a distinctive and strange smell, coming from the depths of the infinite universe, and remaining hidden to us, which makes the world of space more mysterious and exciting.

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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