A rare birth of twin elephants in Kenya

2023-12-01 2023-12-01T21:24:44Z
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ArabiaWeather - In a unique event, the Samburu National Reserve in Kenya witnessed the birth of a very rare set of elephant twins, making this the second exceptional phenomenon to occur in less than two years.

The "Save the Elephants" group, which aims to preserve the environment, shared this unique event with the world, as researchers who follow the lives of animals revealed the mother elephant, nicknamed Alto, and her two young twins.

The team reported that the twins were about 3 to 4 days old when they were first discovered, and pointed out the rarity of this event, as the birth of twins among elephants represents an estimated rate of about 1% of all births, and this discovery sheds light on the challenges faced by these wonderful creatures. It highlights the importance of protecting it and continuing to work to preserve the diversity of wildlife.

A rare birth of twin elephants attracts attention in the Samburu Reserve

David Dabalen, director of field operations, said in a statement:

“The Alto twins are the fourth set of twins our team has ever recorded in both the Samburu and nearby Shaba National Reserves since Elephant Rescue began monitoring elephants in the area nearly 30 years ago.

He added:

“Twin births are rare in the elephant community, and the fact that we have two sets of twins from two different nations in less than two years is incredible.”

Alto is estimated to be 26 years old and is part of the cloud herd, residents who reside in the reserve to be closely monitored. The mother also has two other calves estimated to be 4 and 9 years old.

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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