Question & Answer

Question & Answer

Q: How does an earthquake happen?

The Answer

Last update 2023.02.26

Earthquakes occur as a result of a sudden separation of rocks in the layers of the earth, and this separation leads to the movement of rocks and the release of electromagnetic energy in the form of earthquakes.

Earthquakes can destroy buildings, bridges, roads, dams, and tunnels, and can trigger landslides, slides, landslides, and flash floods. The strength of different earthquakes varies greatly, as they can range from mild and harmless tremors to severe and dangerous tremors that may lead to the death of many people.

Earthquakes occur when there is a sudden separation of rocks below the surface of the earth, and earthquakes usually occur in places where there are layers of moving rocks under the surface of the earth. Studies indicate that earthquakes occur due to the movement of the earth's plates, as many of the earth's plates pass under the surface of the earth, and when these plates move suddenly, this leads to earthquakes.

How does an earthquake happen?