An air depression affects several Arab countries in the coming days, and the eastern basin of the Mediterranean is its last stop

2022-10-13 2022-10-13T13:15:59Z
محمد عوينة
محمد عوينة
مُتنبئ جوي

Arab Weather - Weather forecasters at the "Arab Weather" center follow an air depression centered (during the preparation of the report) in the south of Italian territory, and it is clear from the latest analyzed and received data that the air depression will move eastward in the coming days to affect Libya and Egypt accompanied by thunderstorms of varying intensity, While the eastern basin of the Mediterranean is the last stop for this depression.


Regarding the impact of this air depression on the Levant, weather forecasters at the Arab Weather Center reported that despite expectations of a strong air rush over important areas of the European continent, starting from its south, reaching its center and later in its north, the axis of the thrust of the relatively cold and humid air mass, which It revolves around this height of air that does not serve the south of the Levant, where, according to the latest updates, it is expected that the aforementioned relatively cold air mass will rush into the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, which provokes the flow of southeastern currents in the layers of the atmosphere to the atmosphere of the Levant, causing a rise in temperatures. .


Despite this, it is not excluded that with the approach of the air depression from the atmosphere of the region at the beginning of next week, the flow of quantities of clouds at different heights and thunderstorms of rain over parts of Lebanon and Syria, which may extend to random and limited parts in general of Palestine and Jordan, God willing, as mentioned in the updates previous. While the depression is expected to directly affect Egypt and Libya.


Direct effects of the depression on northern Libya during the weekend

Weather updates derived from the weather maps processed in the “Arab Weather” center indicate expectations that Libya will be affected by the extension of the air depression as of Friday, so that quantities of clouds will gradually multiply at different altitudes and rain showers will fall on parts of the western coast, and the actual impact of this depression begins As of the dawn hours and Saturday morning, so that the opportunity for thunder showers of rain will be prepared, God willing, in random and scattered areas of the northern coast, extending to some internal areas, God willing.



On Sunday, the depression will move to the east, away from Libya, so that chances of precipitation decline from most areas, while continuing to occur on parts of the eastern coast, God willing.


Unstable weather conditions in several parts of northern Egypt early next week

Egypt is gradually affected by unstable weather conditions as of Saturday, and the weather is autumnal with moderate temperatures in most northern areas, and it gradually increases with the passage of daylight hours, amounts of clouds at different heights, and the opportunity is prepared with the noon and afternoon hours for thunder showers of rain, God willing, in areas Random and scattered from the northern coast, especially the western one.


As the night falls, the country is increasingly affected by the state of atmospheric instability, so that quantities of clouds appear at different altitudes, and thunderstorms of rain are expected, God willing, in random areas of the northern coast and Lower Egypt. Some of these showers are moderate to heavy in some neighborhoods and narrow geographical areas, accompanied by the occurrence of thunderstorms sometimes, and it is expected that the chances of rain will extend to the capital, Cairo, for a short period, especially with the late night hours all the way to the dawn and early morning hours of Sunday.



Chances of thunderstorms are expected to continue in random parts of the north of the country during Sunday, and the winds will be southwesterly moderate, active in parts of the north of the country and cause dust and dust, especially in desert areas.


God knows.


This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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