Europe oscillates between warmth and extreme cold... A cold wave hit the European continent accompanied by rain. Snow, what will its impact on the Kingdom?

2024-04-24 2024-04-24T08:54:54Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
مُدون في طقس العرب

Arabia Weather - The latest computer simulation data received by us at the Arab Weather Center indicates that there are noticeable changes in the shape of the weather systems in the Northern Hemisphere, specifically the European continent, as some of its exposure to waves of warmth that were accompanied by temperatures in the thirties in the last period, the cold air returns to very cold and from Polar origins to invade large areas of the European continent from its north to its south, causing the entry of conditions closer to winter in large countries of the European continent. As a result, cold winds seep into the north of the African continent, especially Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, but scientifically, how will this be reflected in the Kingdom and why is this happening? ?


Reverse reaction to the cold wave on the European continent in the form of a rush of hot air mass from the African Sahara. We are the Kingdom.

According to the specialists at the Arab Regional Weather Center, the rush of cold air in this form and size over the European continent and its arrival in some regions of North Africa in this situation will have a direct and opposite reaction in the form of a rush of hot air from deep within the African Sahara towards the Kingdom and the Levant, as the Kingdom and the Levant began. It is affected by a relatively hot to hot air mass on Tuesday, 4/25/2024. As a result of the deepening of the hot air today, Wednesday, and tomorrow, Thursday, coinciding with the movement of a quintessential air depression in the region’s atmosphere, causing an increase that pushes the hot currents superficially, the temperatures will witness a further rise and be higher than their normal rates, such as This period of the year ranges from 8-12 degrees Celsius, and the weather becomes more like summer than spring, as early hot weather prevails throughout all regions of the Kingdom and very hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, and the maximum temperatures recorded in the afternoon are in the mid-30s Celsius in the cities. A little lower than that in some areas and neighborhoods, especially Thursday, while it approaches the mid-forties for the first of this year in some areas of the Jordan Valley. This is also reflected in the night temperatures, which will witness a remarkable rise on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and the weather becomes warm in the evening and early night hours, but it tends to be moderate. With the late hours of the night and dawn.

The polar jet stream invades the European continent (extremely cold weather and spring snow in several regions)


According to numerical model data, it is expected that the polar jet stream will invade large areas of the European continent, with cold to very cold air rushing in, which will expose large countries of the European continent to a wave of cold accompanied by a sharp drop in temperatures and heavy rains, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms that are loaded with large hailstones. Great, as we will see, God willing, scenes of spring snow falling and accumulating and hindering the demonstration of public life in several regions, especially over the European highlands, including the Alps mountain range, in addition to the highlands of the Balkan countries, Spain, France, and others, God willing.


The polar oscillation coefficient is heading towards negative values and atmospheric pressures are hitting the North Pole, causing the polar air to descend towards the European continent in this picture.



The specialists at the Arab Regional Weather Center see, after monitoring the behavior of the atmospheric pressure values above the Arctic Circle (the Arctic Oscillation Coefficient AO), that it is witnessing negative values, and this means that the atmospheric pressure values above the Arctic Circle are high, and this is what, after God’s will, was the reason for the cold air rushing in this way. The picture and his invasion of the European continent after the ripple and deepening of the polar jet stream, the strange contradictions of the weather, and God has affairs in His creation.


God knows.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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