Friday Persistence of air instability and thunderstorms expected at random

2020-04-16 2020-04-16T17:18:27Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
مُحرر أخبار جوية

Friday Persistent state of air instability and thunderstorms in slums.

Temperatures decrease clearly and appreciably on Friday, but the atmosphere remains closer to warm during the afternoon and afternoon hours. It is expected that the Kingdom will continue to be affected by a state of air instability as thunderstorm clouds continue, causing thunderstorms to rain randomly, especially in the north and east of the Kingdom.

It is expected during the night hours that the situation will gradually recede and the rainy clouds move eastward, moving away from the Kingdom, announcing the end of the situation and the return of stable and warm airspace from Saturday, God willing.

God knows

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