Iraq | A rise in temperatures over the next two days and a chance of some thunderstorms... Details

2024-05-14 2024-05-14T10:14:48Z
مهند فاخوري
مهند فاخوري
كاتب مُحتوى جوّي

Arabia Weather - The latest updates and data received from us at the “Arab Weather” Center indicate that temperatures are expected to rise during the next two days, with a chance of some limited thunderstorms.

Temperatures will rise tomorrow, Wednesday

There will be a slight rise in temperatures tomorrow, and the weather will be relatively hot in general in most areas and moderate in the north, and some thunderstorms may fall in the afternoon and evening hours in parts of Dohuk, Nineveh, Maysan and Basra governorates , and at night the weather will become moderate in various regions and cold. Relatively in the mountainous highlands in the north.

An additional rise in temperatures on Thursday, with temperatures reaching 40 degrees in the south

On Thursday, according to the latest models received by us at the Arab Weather Center, it is expected that there will be an additional rise in temperatures, reaching 40 degrees Celsius in parts of the south of the country, so that the weather will be generally hot in most regions and tend to be hot in the north, and very hot. Heat in parts of the south of the country, and thunderstorms are likely in the far north of the country , and at night the weather becomes moderate in various regions and relatively cold in the mountainous highlands in the north.

God knows ..

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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