Jordan A situation of air instability affecting the Kingdom in the evening and night today

2020-04-16 2020-04-16T10:30:12Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
مُحرر أخبار جوية

A situation of air instability affecting the Kingdom in the evening and night today ....

The latest updates of numerical forecast models indicate that the Kingdom is gradually affected by a state of air instability in the evening and night of the day where cumulative clouds multiply and showers of rain fall in random and narrow areas of the Kingdom, and the frequency of the situation is expected to increase with the late night hours with rain in random areas and the rains are accompanied Thunder and lightning sometimes.

While temperatures decrease significantly on Friday, the weather remains warm, and thunderstorms continue to be in random and geographically narrow areas of the Kingdom, with the situation receding in the evening and Friday night, and the atmosphere returns to stability at night, God willing.

God knows

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