Jordan: Meteorologically, coinciding with the start of summer... a hot air mass affects the Kingdom and causes temperatures in the late 30s Celsius

2024-05-29 2024-05-29T14:53:07Z
محمد عوينة
محمد عوينة
مُتنبئ جوي

From the Arabia Weather Center - The latest weather readings resulting from so-called computer simulations indicate expectations that Jordan will be gradually affected by a hot air mass during the first days of the summer, which meteorologically begins on the first of June of each year. The same readings indicate that the hot air mass will affect the Kingdom for several days and cause temperatures to rise to the end of the thirties Celsius in most parts of the Kingdom.

Sunday: The Kingdom begins to be affected by the hot air mass

According to computer simulations at the Arab Weather Center, it is expected that the Kingdom will begin to be affected by the hot air mass on Sunday 2-6-2024 and cause a significant rise in temperatures to become higher than their usual rates by more than 5 degrees Celsius, and the weather will be hot in most areas. The winds are generally southeasterly, moderate speed.

Temperatures also rise significantly at night compared to current nights, and the weather is generally moderate in temperature.

Monday: The Kingdom is increasingly affected by the hot mass, with temperatures in the late 30s Celsius in most regions

The specialists at the Arabia Weather Center said that it is expected that the Kingdom will be more affected by the hot mass on Monday, God willing, so that there will be another rise in temperatures and they will become higher than their averages for this time of the year by about 7-9 degrees Celsius. The weather is generally hot and dry in most regions of the Kingdom, and temperatures are in the late thirties Celsius in many Jordanian villages and cities, including the capital, Amman, while the weather is extremely hot in the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba areas, in addition to some areas of the desert. Temperatures there exceed 40 degrees Celsius.

Winds are southeasterly to easterly, moderate in speed, active at intervals and may raise dust and sand in desert areas.

The weather is generally moderate in temperature at night.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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