Jordan | Temperatures above their average on Sunday, and a cold air mass at night causes a sharp drop in temperatures and forms unstable weather conditions.

2022-01-09 2022-01-09T07:06:38Z
هشام جمال
هشام جمال
مُحرر أخبار جوية

Weather of Arabia - God willing, it is expected that the Kingdom will be affected on Sunday by a temporary warm air mass, as there is an additional rise in temperatures to be several degrees higher than their rates for this time of the year during the day, and the weather will be relatively cold above the high mountainous heights, pleasant during over the rest of the regions of the Kingdom , warm in low places, including the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and the city of Aqaba in particular, where temperatures will be in the twentieth century above those areas.

Clouds appear at medium and high altitudes, and there is an opportunity, especially in the afternoon and evening, for local showers of rain to fall on limited parts of the southern regions, including Aqaba.

The winds are southwesterly, moderate in speed, active at times, and they raise dust and light dust when they are active in desert areas.

A cold air mass crosses the Kingdom in the evening and at night, causing unstable weather conditions

The Kingdom is affected with the evening and night hours of Sunday / Monday by a cold air mass, where there is an accelerated decrease in temperatures to become cold, and it turns with the late night hours to very cold, especially over the high mountainous heights with an increasing rise in surface humidity levels, with a chance of fog formation. over some areas.

The Kingdom is increasingly affected by unstable weather conditions as a result of crossing the cold air mass, as the amounts of clouds increase in the atmosphere in the evening, and showers of rain fall starting from the southern regions. Random, with the concentration of rainfall on the eastern and southeastern regions, specifically the Badia regions, especially with the late night hours, where the rain will be heavy on those areas with the possibility of torrential rains, high water levels and the occurrence of water gatherings.

The winds are westerly moderate in speed in general, sometimes active over some areas, especially the eastern and southeastern ones, and they may be accompanied by strong gifts for some periods.

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God knows.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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