Jordan: Unstable weather conditions affect the Kingdom on Sunday, accompanied by chances of rain showers concentrated in the north and some central regions.

2023-11-11 2023-11-11T12:07:58Z
محمد عوينة
محمد عوينة
مُتنبئ جوي

Weather of Arabia - The Kingdom of Jordan is affected by a state of atmospheric instability on Sunday resulting from the extension of the so-called Red Sea depression in the layers of the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface and the flow of tropical moisture towards the Kingdom’s atmosphere. There is a decrease in temperatures, but they remain higher than their usual levels, and the autumn weather is generally moderate and fluctuates between partly cloudy and mostly cloudy.

On Sunday, the opportunity is ripe for scattered showers of rain, God willing, in the north of the Kingdom, which may extend to some central regions. Some of these showers may be heavy for a short period in the north of the Kingdom and be accompanied by a thunder event at that time. The winds are moderate northeasterly, and may be active at intervals.

With the night hours (Sunday/Monday night), the weather tends to stabilize in most regions, and the weather tends to be cold over the high mountain heights and pleasant in the rest of the regions, with a chance for some local showers of rain in the south of the Kingdom.

Temperatures tend to rise slightly on Monday, thus being several degrees warmer than their usual levels. The autumn weather is generally moderate and fluctuates between partly cloudy and mostly cloudy. It also remains unstable, so that the opportunity for rain showers continues in some areas. But it is concentrated in the south and southeast of the Kingdom and is accompanied by occasional thunder and activity in surface winds.

God knows.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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