Jordan Weather and high and low temperatures expected on Tuesday 26/11/2019

2019-11-25 2019-11-25T13:16:44Z
وداد السعودي
وداد السعودي
محرر أخبار جوية- قسم التواصل الاجتماعي

Weather in Jordan on Tuesday

  • Temperatures rise by 2-3 degrees Celsius.
  • Gradually, the sky is covered with medium and high clouds.
  • The winds are southerly to southwesterly moderate, sometimes active and work to raise dust and dust in the desert and open areas, showing high clouds over parts of the north of the Kingdom.

Tuesday weather in Aqaba

  • Wind: Southerly moderate, sometimes active.
  • State of the sea and wave height: light wave height (5-10 cm).
  • Sea surface temperature: 25 ° C.

Weather in Jordan on Tuesday evening and night

  • The climate is generally relatively cold.
  • Medium and high clouds appear late at night, with limited local showers in the Badia.
  • The winds will be southwest to light to moderate speed.

Detailed written weather forecast

It is expected that the weather and temperatures in the Kingdom's governorates on Tuesday 26-11-2019 will be as follows:

Weather in Irbid:

Maximum expected temperature in Irbid: 26 °

The minimum expected temperature in Irbid is: 14 °

Weather in Ajlun:

Maximum expected temperature in Ajloun: 21 °

The minimum expected temperature in Ajloun is: 14 °

Weather in Jerash:

Maximum expected temperature in Jerash: 22 °

The minimum expected temperature in Jerash is: 10 °

Weather in Mafraq:

Maximum expected temperature in Mafraq: 22 °

The minimum expected temperature in the divider is: 10 °

Weather in Balqa:

Maximum expected temperature in Balqa: 22 °

Minimum expected temperature in Balqa: 14 °

Weather in Amman:

Maximum expected temperature in Amman: 21 °

The minimum expected temperature in Amman is: 14 °

Weather in Zarqa:

Maximum expected temperature in Zarqa: 26 °

The minimum expected temperature in Zarqa is 12 °

Weather in Madaba:

Expected maximum temperature in Madaba: 25 °

The minimum expected temperature in Madaba is: 14 °

Weather in Karak Governorate:

Maximum expected temperature in Karak: 23

The minimum expected temperature in Karak is: 13 °

Weather in Tafilah:

Maximum expected temperature in Tafila: 23 °

Minimum expected temperature in Tafila: 14 °

Weather in Ma'an Governorate:

Maximum expected temperature in Ma'an: 25 °

Minimum expected temperature in Ma'an: 14 °

Weather in Aqaba:

Maximum expected temperature in Aqaba: 28 °

Expected minimum temperature in Aqaba: 20

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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