Jordan | With the launch of seasonal forecasts.. Are there any indications of rainfall in the Kingdom during the summer??

2024-05-23 2024-05-23T09:12:56Z
عامر المعايطة
عامر المعايطة
كاتب مُحتوى جوّي

Arabia Weather - Over the past few days, the Weather Forecast Department team at the “Arab Weather” Center has released long-range weather forecasts for the summer season of this year 2024 AD in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, which indicates the possibility that the Kingdom will be affected during some summer months by cases of air instability that It may bring some rain in various areas of the Kingdom, and weather forecasters in Arabia Weather attributed the reasons to:


The tropical break progresses in the months of July and August and there are chances of some rain at separate intervals


The same long-term seasonal forecasts indicate the possibility of an influx of tropical moisture towards the Kingdom during the months of July and August as a result of the further advance of the tropical divide and its extension of the Arabian Peninsula, which may lead, in some periods, to disturbances in the weather condition.


Cumulus clouds form at long intervals, leading to some rainfall in separate areas


This weather system results in the formation of states of instability, which are usually accompanied by the formation of cumulus clouds accompanied by random rainfall of a summer nature, that is, they are often accompanied by high temperatures.


ArabiaWeather will issue more reports and updates about the forecast for the summer months at later times through its various platforms.

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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