Jordan/rainfall amounts: Once again, Ajloun is in the lead, and rainfall is widespread in the north and center

2023-11-27 2023-11-27T15:38:04Z
محمد عوينة
محمد عوينة
مُتنبئ جوي

Arabia Weather - Jordan was gradually affected in the late hours of Sunday/Monday night and Monday morning by an extension of an air depression centered far from the Kingdom, but it brought good rainfall to the north and center, where Ajloun topped again with the highest amount of rainfall of about 26 mm, which is equivalent to 26 million liters of rainwater falls per kilometer of land area.

Rainfalls also spread throughout most of the north and center of the Kingdom, varying in intensity from one region to another, with expectations that they will affect parts of the south of the Kingdom during the coming hours, God willing.

These amounts of rain add to...


Below are the amounts of rain recorded from Arab Weather monitoring stations until six o’clock on Monday evening:

  • Irbid: 15 mm
  • Ajloun: 26 mm
  • Jerash: Not available
  • Salt: Not available
  • West Amman: 7 mm
  • South Amman: 17 mm
  • East Amman: Not available
  • Separator: 2 mm
  • Blue: Not available
  • Al-Ruwaished: 0
  • Madaba: 5 mm
  • Crack: 2 mm
  • Tafila: 0
  • Gluttony: 0
  • Gloss: 0
  • Aqaba: 0


We ask God to make it rain of goodness and blessings

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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