The impact of climate change on mental health

2023-12-04 2023-12-04T18:30:43Z
طقس العرب
طقس العرب
فريق تحرير طقس العرب

Weather of Arabia - A report issued by the World Health Organization stated that climate change poses a major threat to mental health, and called for the need to strengthen global efforts to support mental health.

This report was issued last year, urging global countries to work together to address the challenges that arise as a result of the climate crisis, and its negative effects on the health of individuals around the world, especially individuals who have been affected or will be subsequently affected by natural disasters, drought, poverty, and rising temperatures, in addition to To those who live near industrial facilities.

The impact of climate change on mental health

Living in extreme weather conditions, such as those characterized by hurricanes and wildfires, or in dry areas, has a negative impact on individuals' mental health.

For example, this can lead to a deterioration in progressive thinking, as experts point out that the psychological effects are not limited only to the period of the disaster, but extend to the following days after individuals wake up from the shock of the catastrophic event.

Anxiety, feelings of helplessness and depression appear, in addition to post-traumatic stress disorder, and even reaching the stage of suicidal ideation, all of which are psychological effects that accompany individuals facing the consequences of climate change and natural disasters.

Impact of California wildfires on residents' mental health

The severity of the fires that swept the state of California increased a few months ago, and according to a World Health Organization report, the population was greatly affected by the outbreak of these fires, as about 67 percent of the state’s population reported experiencing feelings of fear, phobia, anxiety, lack of sleep, and extreme fatigue. These effects persist long after the disaster, resulting in individuals suffering from PTSD for several weeks.

The psychological effects are not limited to those affected by natural disasters

The psychological effects of climate change are not limited to individuals who have been in direct contact with natural disasters, but also extend to those who are not personally affected by these events, according to a World Health Organization report. The report indicated that climate change affects the mental health of individuals who follow news of these disasters, raising feelings of anxiety and fear in them.

In addition, the organization confirmed that continued fluctuations in climate, rising temperatures, and worsening air pollution could be the main factors behind the increase in cases of depression and violence, as well as severe changes in mood. Data also suggest that these factors directly contribute to higher rates of mental health-related emergency department visits.

Could climate and weather change affect the mental health of more people than others?

Yes, global statistics indicate that individuals who suffer from underlying mental illnesses or face certain addiction problems may be more likely to die as a result of increased temperatures or humidity.

In a report issued by the World Health Organization, it indicated that about 35 percent of the world's displaced people, who suffer from severe mental conditions or chronic diseases, are more vulnerable than others to the harmful effects of climate change.

A survey of ten countries published by the organization indicates that 84 percent of young men and women are moderately concerned about climate change, and that almost half of them consider climate change to have an impact on their daily and professional lives.

The study adds that climate change affects children's development, as exposure to severe weather events, such as hurricanes, droughts, and floods during pregnancy, increases the child's risk of developing various psychological or mental illnesses.

Source: skynewsarabia

This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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