The last eruption of the volcano in Medina 764 years ago .. Its lava stopped 8.2 km from the Prophet’s Mosque!

2023-05-16 2023-05-16T08:12:53Z
سنان خلف
سنان خلف
محرر أخبار جوية- قسم التواصل الاجتماعي

Arab Weather - Sinan Khalaf - Not so long ago, only 764 years ago, the last volcanic activity was recorded in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in the region of Medina, when the volcano of Jabal Al-Smootha erupted and the lava flowed and moved towards Medina, until it stopped 8.2 km from the mosque Noble Prophet!


It is now called "Harrat Rahat"

The story of the volcano in Medina in 654 AH - 1256 AD


The story dates back to the year 654 AH, specifically on the third Wednesday night of Jumada al-Awwal, when the land of Medina shook several tremors, followed by a massive volcanic eruption, which threw its lava towards the sky, and it traveled like rivers on the ground until it reached a distance of 23 km, and it stopped at a distance of 8.2 km from the Prophet's Mosque on it Blessings and peace.



Al-Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir

Historical testimonies describing the incident in all its details


Returning to the books of historians, we find more details about the event. Al-Qurtubi said about that:

A fire came out in the Hijaz in the noble city and it started a great earthquake on the night of Wednesday, the third of Jumada al-Awwal, 654 AH, and continued until the slaughter of Friday, then it subsided and the fire appeared. From the sum total of this, the river is like a red and blue river, and it has a sound like the sound of thunder. It takes the rocks between its hands and gathered from that rubble which became like a great mountain, and the fire ended near Medina, and this fire was seen boiling like the boiling of the sea.


Ibn Katheer described this recent eruption of the volcano, saying:

"That fire remained in a state, burning with flame, and it is like a great mountain at a height, and the city at a width from which pebbles emerge. It ascends to the sky and falls in it and exits from it like the great mountain. Fire throws like thunder and remained like that for days and stood for days and then returned to throw stones behind and in front of it until it built two mountains for her and every day she had another great sound. Night into a roar. "




Could the city volcano revive?


We must realize the fact that the volcanoes spread in Saudi Arabia are dormant and not dead, which means that they may erupt at any time, and their eruption is sometimes preceded by some warnings, such as successive earthquakes that may be strong or weak, and no one can predict the time in which these will be active Volcanoes.


More than 2000 volcanoes under the territory of the Kingdom


As is known, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia sits over thousands of extinct volcanoes, experts estimated at the time of the emergence of these volcanoes to nearly 25 million years, as an estimated number of volcanoes within the borders of the Kingdom by 2000 volcano, in the "free Rahat" alone for between Mecca and the city For example, there are about 700 volcanoes, and there are 400 others in the "Harrat Khyber".


This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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