The strange link between plastic bags and the environment

2023-10-14 2023-10-14T19:26:27Z
ندى ماهر عبدربه
ندى ماهر عبدربه
صانع مُحتوى

Weather of Arabia - Plastic bags are one of the materials that have the most impact on the environment and one of the most common in our daily lives. Although they seem to be a simple and useful daily item in reality, there is a complex and strange relationship between plastic bags and the environment, and this relationship brings great impacts on Our planet and the life of creatures on it.

The surprising link between plastic bags and the environment

Plastic bags are one of the common and useful products in our daily life, as they are used for packaging in a convenient and economical way. However, we must realize that plastic, which is usually ranked among the 20 most dangerous materials in manufacturing processes, carries serious environmental risks.

The manufacture of plastic bags poses a significant environmental burden; Due to the enormous resources consumed and energy used in its production process, manufacturing plastic requires the extraction and refining of oil, which causes environmental pollution and depletion of natural resources. In addition, these processes contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases that play a role in climate change.

After use, plastic bags are commonly thrown into the environment, or blown into the environment, causing significant environmental pollution and damage. Plastic bags that end up in the oceans pose a particular threat to marine life, and marine organisms can swallow them or become stuck on them, leading to injury or even death.

Most types of plastic do not decompose quickly, and remain in the environment for long periods. Given this slow biodegradation, plastic waste can accumulate significantly, leading to serious environmental pollution.

The impact of plastic bags on the environment

  • Pollution of open spaces

Plastic bags have become a major source of pollution in open spaces inside and outside cities, including beaches and public spaces, as this pollution is produced as a result of their light weight and excessive consumption, in addition to their ability to remain, without decomposing.

  • Damage to the environment

Plastic bags attach to everything that comes in their way, distorting the environment, and can also hinder the growth of plants by preventing sunlight and air from reaching them.

  • Harm to wild animals

The flying of plastic bags in pastures and wild areas leads to the death of animals and affects their productivity. These bags can cause blockage of the animals’ digestive tracts and health problems.

  • Harm to marine animals

The arrival of plastic bags into the seas and oceans endangers marine animals, and marine organisms can swallow the bags or stumble upon them, causing the death of many of these organisms or affecting their productivity.

  • Damage to coral reefs

Plastic bags prevent coral reefs from getting the necessary light and nutrients, causing their condition to deteriorate.

  • Soil damage

The increase in plastic in the soil makes it unsuitable for agriculture, and may cause it to be contaminated with dangerous chemicals.

  • Damage to the air

Burning plastic bags pollutes the air with many toxic gases and compounds that negatively affect human health and cause many diseases.

Combating the impact of plastic bags on the environment

Over time, efforts have begun in most parts of the world to address the impact of plastic bags on the environment. These efforts include encouraging the use of reusable bags and stimulating recycling, in addition to legislation banning plastic bags in some areas and imposing taxes on their use.

Available alternatives

The best option is to use reusable shopping bags; Due to its high durability and ability to be used repeatedly over its long life.
This means that you will not need to consume more resources every time you transport goods to your home, you will simply reuse the same product, and this environmental approach can significantly reduce waste and consumption of natural resources.
For example, a reusable jute bag can be used for a minimum of 4 years, during which time it can avoid using 600 plastic bags at once.

We must realize that there is a strange relationship between plastic bags and the environment, and understanding this relationship and working towards reducing its effects can contribute to preserving our planet and protecting the environment for future generations.

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This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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