The Levant | Warm and sunny spring weather in most areas on Tuesday

2021-05-17 2021-05-17T10:13:12Z
محمد عوينة
محمد عوينة
مُتنبئ جوي

Arab weather - there is a slight rise in temperatures in most regions on Tuesday, while they remain around slightly higher than their rates for such time of the year, and the weather is often sunny and warm spring, while it tends to heat slightly during the afternoon and afternoon hours in most regions, while It is relatively hot in the Jordan Valley and low-lying areas, and the winds will be southwesterly to northwesterly moderate, and they are active in the afternoon and cause dust in the Syrian Badia.



Weather forecast in the Levant on Tuesday night

The weather is generally gentle and humid, tending to cool with the late night hours, with the appearance of some low clouds and fog in some interior regions, while the winds will be northwesterly, light to moderate speed.


Weather conditions and expected temperatures in the capitals of the Levant on Tuesday:

Weather in Al-Quds Al-Sharif

  • Mostly net
  • The expected maximum temperature in Al-Quds Al-Sharif: 26 °
  • The expected minimum temperature in Al-Quds Al-Sharif: 18 °


Weather in Amman

  • Clear
  • The expected maximum temperature in Amman: 28 °
  • The expected minimum temperature in Amman: 18 °


Weather in Damascus

  • Clear
  • The expected maximum temperature in Damascus: 33 °
  • The expected minimum temperature in Damascus: 16 °


Weather in Beirut

  • Mostly net
  • The expected maximum temperature in Beirut: 25 °
  • The expected minimum temperature in Beirut: 18 °
This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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