Question & Answer

Question & Answer

Q: What is the difference between rain and showers?

The Answer

Last update 2021.12.14

1- Rain:

The rain is constant and continuous for a longer period of time and falls on large areas. It is homogeneous in intensity and is usually moderate in intensity or light. The rain occurs from horizontal stratified clouds that cover large areas and the cells of the clouds are connected to each other, and rain is not accompanied by lightning, thunder and hail, and it occurs with depressions. Weather is accompanied by wind fronts. As for raindrops, they are smaller and the speed of their fall from the cloud to the ground is less.


    2- Showers:

    The showers are more intense, start quickly and end almost quickly, and they are intermittent and for a short period of time, and you can see the blue sky from the clouds sometimes, meaning that they occur in a specific period of time and on a specific and smaller area. The clouds are mostly single and isolated cells, and rain showers can sometimes be accompanied by lightning, thunder and hail, and sometimes the showers are heavy or strong, and they occur in cases of atmospheric instability or at the beginning of the impact of cold air fronts or during the passage of the depression in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and water droplets In the showers of rain, it becomes larger, and the speed of its fall from the cloud to the ground is faster.



    What is the difference between rain and showers?