7 easy steps to becoming a winter morning person

2023-11-17 2023-11-17T22:06:59Z
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ArabiaWeather - In preparation for transforming your daily life and becoming a successful morning person, this article offers you practical ways to improve your sleep pattern and increase your productivity in the morning. Transforming yourself into an active spirit in the morning does not come from nowhere, but by adopting specific habits and techniques, you can change your pattern. your life in a positive way.

Factors that affect sleep-wake patterns in humans

According to Healthline , many people's waking and sleeping patterns vary many times throughout their lives. Studies show that there are biological and environmental reasons that contribute to these changes, such as:

  • Hormonal changes

Many people experience significant changes in their sleep chronotype during the teenage years, resulting from hormonal changes. It also appears that pregnancy can cause women to wake up early, especially in the first two trimesters of pregnancy.

  • Seasonal influences

Seasonal changes may affect the pattern of waking and sleeping, as daylight changes, which greatly affects the biological clock, and with changes in the seasons, researchers believe that sensitivity to these changes varies from person to person.

  • Geography

The latitude in which a person lives affects their daily lifestyle. Studies show that people who tend to wake up late are more common in areas where sunsets occur late, while early risers are common among those who live near the equator.

These factors show how many aspects, from biological factors to environmental conditions, can influence an individual's sleep pattern.

7 easy steps to becoming a winter morning person

Dr. W. Christopher Winter, medical director of the Sleep Medicine Center at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Virginia and spokesman for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, explains that changing your sleep pattern takes about two weeks, and stresses the importance of sticking to the new routine. If you abandon the new schedule, there is a high probability To return to the habits of staying up late and sleeping late.

The success of changing the sleep pattern is linked to adherence to a routine based on work or study needs, family needs, or personal goals. Modifying sleep-wake cycles can be facilitated by taking these needs into account. Below are some simple tips for adjusting the internal biological clock:

Do not be lazy about waking up

Waking up, exercising, and eating at the same time every day contribute to the body’s stability regarding sleep. Winter stresses the importance of not being lenient in the wake-up time, noting that the sleep time is determined automatically as a result of fatigue, but a decline in the wake-up time must be avoided, and it is also important to avoid returning to Old sleeping patterns during the weekends, as this can lead to missing the early morning routine and reduce the effectiveness of the change you want to achieve.

The importance of light

Light, whether natural or artificial, tells the brain that daylight has begun, sending signals to the body to stop producing melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate sleep.

So, if it's dark when you wake up as early as 5 a.m., bright indoor lights can be used to trick the mind into thinking the sun has risen, helping to stimulate wakefulness and stimulate alertness.

Morning exercise

Exercising early in the morning activates the body, contributes to reducing blood pressure and reducing stress and anxiety, which helps improve the quality of sleep at night. It is preferable to perform exercises in bright light, such as riding a bike or jogging in the open air.

Eat a protein-rich breakfast

Eating a meal rich in protein is an important step, as protein contributes to helping you wake up, while avoiding heavy carbohydrates in the morning enhances the period of sleep at night and focusing nutrition on eggs or yogurt enhances the stimulation of dopamine levels, which enhances your readiness for the start of the day.

Change sleep time gradually

To gradually change bedtime, it is recommended to start sleeping 20 minutes to an hour earlier each night, and over several days or weeks, the bedtime routine can be gradually adjusted to move to earlier waking, allowing enough sleep to be obtained well before the start of the day.

Develop a calming nighttime routine

The task of transitioning to sleep isn't easy just by turning off the lights, and if you're looking to change persistent nighttime activity habits in your life, establishing routines can send a signal to your brain that it's time to sleep.

Meditation exercises, deep breathing, reading books, and other soothing rituals may be effective in building a calm and relaxing nighttime routine that encourages an early onset of the sleep cycle.

Avoid taking naps

Avoid the urge to nap completely, even on the first difficult days. Although falling asleep early may be a challenge at first, giving in to the urge to nap can negatively affect your natural sleep alarm. Instead, take advantage of the sleepy period to go to bed early. .

Notice the positive effects that may occur when your sleep cycle begins to change and record these changes; Because focusing on positive outcomes can inspire and motivate you during times when you might be feeling sleepy.

Also know:

What if everyone fell asleep at the same time?

What is insomnia? Effective ways to solve the problem of insomnia and get a good night's sleep



This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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