Jordan | The search engine `Google` celebrates Jordan's Independence Day

2024-05-25 2024-05-25T12:46:13Z
ندى ماهر عبدربه
ندى ماهر عبدربه
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Weather of Arabia - On Saturday, the famous search engine “Google” celebrated the 78th Independence Day of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan , recalling the comprehensive progress achieved by the country.

Google placed an image of the Jordanian flag as the background of the site's logo, as it does every year on May 25.

See also:

Jordan | Seasonal weather forecast


Independence Day

Jordanians celebrate Independence Day, recalling the great achievements and progress of the state under the wise Hashemite leadership. This leadership represents a milestone and a radical turning point in the country’s history.

Over the course of 78 years , Jordan has witnessed remarkable development in all fields, making it draw a distinguished map on the world level thanks to its comprehensive renaissance and its investment in the energies of youth, who are considered a real force for raising the nation’s status and prosperity, and this is what His Majesty King Abdullah is counting on.



See also:

Jordan | The Royal Court announces the official slogan for the 78th Independence Day

Saudi Arabia | In the video, the curtain of the Kaaba was raised in preparation for Hajj





This article was written originally in Arabic and is translated using a 3rd party automated service. ArabiaWeather is not responsible for any grammatical errors whatsoever.
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